Internet services have been disrupted in large parts of India following damage to two undersea cables in the Mediterranean. There was disruption to 60% of the nationwide network in India.Both our Canada and US data centers are also experiencing troubles due to this.
7 टिप्पणियां:
वर्मा जी को बधाई.
congratulation Varma Ji
अजी, हमने भी तो सहस्त्रधारा ही बताया था।
हमारा नाम कहां है?
Internet services have been disrupted in large parts of India following damage to two undersea cables in the Mediterranean. There was disruption to 60% of the nationwide network in India.Both our Canada and US data centers are also experiencing troubles due to this.
वर्मा जी को बधाई.
वर्मा जी को बधाई!
मेरा मन मुस्काया -
झिलमिल करते सजे सितारे!
संपादक : सरस पायस
वर्मा जी को बहुत बहुत बधाई!
एक टिप्पणी भेजें